Sunday, August 17, 2008

Term3 Week8 A Pack of Lies

Being told the saga of the man who saved the village from the disastrous flood, everybody who heard the story wept, thinking about the man's great sacrifice. Just as the storyteller finished, he gave a turpitude grin. If he had not spun this story, he would not have been able to buy himself a meal later that day. He praised himself for being so capable. Just as he was about to get his ill-gotten gains from those who listened to his stories, the wise old sage of the village approached the crowd. All present at the area halted in their footsteps, gave a bow, still maintaining their demeanor, waited for his next action quietly. The storyteller froze in his steps. Never have he ever thought that the sage of the village would arrive. There was nowhere to run now.

Having been famously known for his intelligence and knowing the history of the village at his fingertips, the sage gains the respect of all in the village.

The first sentence from the sage gave a shock to everyone. Being there to redress what the storyteller had said, he flayed at the storyteller ruthlessly for deceiving the mass with his story.

There was no way he can hide himself from the glares of those who had just believed his pack of lies. Enraged by this matter, the crowd drove the storyteller out of the village, with the storyteller never to return again.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Term3 Week7 Judge By Looking

The reticent man could not be judged by his looks. Deep inside him, he was a scheming man, using chicanery ways in order to get what he wants. Having a glib tongue, he deceives almost anyone and foist through the security checkpoints. Capitulate was never a word in his dictionary, everything that he wants will be done even at all cost.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Term3 Week6 Choice

Everybody have the tenable to make someone's day or to make it a bad one for him or her. If you austere someone and want to make the day bad for them, why not think twice? You would not want to have a bad day, do you? Everyone would like to live life in a felicitous way. If you are starting to nascent hatred for someone, why not calm yourself down and think about why are you becoming that way? Sometimes it is good to confront the other party but there is a need to refrain one from getting into a physical fight. Clarify what you do not like about the other party face to face in a polite manner and both parties should compromise with each other. Make friends than enemies, this is one way on how to lead a happy life.