Saturday, July 26, 2008

Term3 Week5 What sems to be wrong may not turn out to be what it seems to be

John grew up in penury and every since he was three, he started to take up art as a form of earning extra income for the household. With this continuous practicing of drawing made him an expert in art and in the end, he was the empire’s greatest artist. Being a candid and compassionate person, he was very welcomed by almost anyone. His fame spread far and wide throughout the whole empire. The emperor heard about his great name and ordered that his name to be spread far and wide to every household.

There was this man who was so jealous of John’s achievement that he one day went up to John, and said proudly and vehemently, “I have heard that you have great paintings, but I don’t really think yours are. I want to have a competition with you. You and me, each shall make a painting each and submit it to the emperor and the one who has the better painting shall be crowned the best artist, do you dare to take up the challenge?” “I want no fame or even the status of the empire’s greatest artist, but if you would like a competition, let’s have a friendly one,” John said humbly.

The man, whom requested for the competition, was no artist. He had never handled a paintbrush before. His plan was to hire artists all over the empire with his riches to help him out. As for John, he started work on the competition as soon as the man left. He was going to do his best and with no one’s help.

As both parties competed, the emperor had news about this competition and gave his support. The dateline for the drawing was a month later at the emperor’s palace. Supporters of John motivated him to do his best and did what they could to motivate him. Some brought him food while others gave him support by just looking at what he is drawing.

As the supporters of John had expected, the man who had initiated the competition, hired man to attempt to ruin John’s artwork but failed. Unfortunately, the day before the dateline, John gave his finishing touches to his painting, but was set fire upon in the middle of the night. John had woken up and extinguishes the fire, but the painting was damaged partly by the fire. He could do nothing else but to brig it for competition the next day.

The big day arrived and everyone was high in mood. Both competitors reached the palace with a whole lot of supporters, going for the judgment by the emperor. As the emperor arrived, both artists took down the white cloth covering the painting. Everybody was shocked. John’s painting had been burnt. The emperor was appalled by what he had seen before him. He had never seen any painting like that. He asked what had happened to the painting and John replied, “last night, the painting was set fire upon and I was just in time to extinguish it before it had the chance to ruin the whole painting.” hearing that, the emperor, announced the winner, John!

It was not out of pity that he got the award but because the fire had made the painting look more appealing and attractive. The man who had competed with John lost and went home ignominious. As for John, it was a blessing in disguise.

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