Sunday, July 27, 2008

Discurssive Essay Beauty

Beauty, in my opinion, has a great range, from those of appearance to what is inside every person, their character. Nowadays, most people look at what is of the appearance but not of the character, judging from the rise in the number of plastic surgery cases with the intention of beautifying oneself when he or she is already of average looking. Debate centers on whether beauty in terms of appearance or beauty in terms of the character of a person is more important in today’s society.

Beauty in terms of appearance is quite important to leave a good impression on others like applying for a job or doing anything that needs the appearance of the person to be good, like being an actor or actress or a salesperson. The rise in the number of plastic surgery cases for people who have average looks shows that the view of the society of beautiful is most of the time about appearance. Most of the time, the media uses people who are beautiful in appearance to advertise products for them so as to attract the audiences to purchase their product. Thus if people who wants to have an easier life in today’s society needs beautiful appearances as this is what the people nowadays look for most of the time.

Beauty in terms of character is important because a person with good character means that he or she is able to discipline himself or herself, knows how others feel and do not do anything to hurt others. They are people who will help build a safe and conducive environment. The appearance of the person may not be very good but because of the good character, it will cover over the appearances and thus in the end people with good character will eventually have good appearances.

Beauty in terms of character most of the time is more important than beauty in terms of appearances because people who have good appearances, even if they do things which are said to be bad, they will still be arrested and charged. Even though they are good looking and may have had some leeway in some way or another when they did bad things, they will sooner or later still have justice done upon them if they do not have good character. Thus those who have good character but only just average appearances will be those who are most welcomed in the end rather then those who are beautiful in their appearances but with bad character. With beauty on character, they will most probably have a smoother life path than others who do not as whatever they do will not get them into trouble.

Those people who are good in appearances will not last long in whatever they do but only those with good character will they be able to survive in the rough journey of life. Thus, beauty in character should be the primary option and beauty in appearance the secondary.


Anonymous said...


Your 2nd paragraph is abit too one sided. It is not true that people that are beautiful will be able to prosper in their work. IF the person is beautiful but always come late to work, then her beauty is useless.

ALso our beauty essay is a bit out of point because ur essay now concentrated on charcter mostly.

Ur topic sentence is abit too brief. More elaboration will be better.

But tenses is very good and little flaws in grammer and spelling^^

Keep up the good job ji hao!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

detailed and descriptive essay. try to improve on your topic sentence, its too short though. Good job and keep up the good work! :D

Anonymous said...

Quite well written essay.