Friday, June 27, 2008

Term3 Week1 It Is Not As Good As It Seems

The bizarre looking bread was being usurped celerity, with a succinct nutrition facts table on the package. It was cheap, selling at three for the price of one, delicious and most importantly salubrious. But the eager consumers had failed to notice that the bread, which was selling like hotcakes, had passed the expiry date!

Monday, June 9, 2008

June Holidays Journal 4 Have you ever wondered...

Have you ever wondered if you would be one of the great philosophers, thinkers, inventors, scientist, researcher, war hero or a minister? There is surely someone out there who would be needed to fill up these places and most people would think that it would not be them but others but have you ever thought that you are actually the one and not the others. If everybody were going think that the great achievement would not be his or hers, whose would it be then? In the past, I have always thought that I am not able to achieve great things and that it is other people but one day I thought, maybe I am the one, maybe it is not the others but me. Everybody stands an equal chance if they worked hard no matter how talented others are when they are born. If one is willing, even people with inborn talents may lose to them. You might be a couch potato but one day you might be the media industry’s director, you may be watching war shows all day long but one day you might become a war hero provided that there is a war to fight or if you day dream all day long, you may one day become a great inventor or thinker. From what I have said just now, it does not mean that by being a couch potato all day will make you a media industry director but because of the passion to watch shows, you will have ideas to make the media more interesting and by putting them to use, you will be able to achieve great. You might be an ordinary person now but when you grow up, you might be someone, which you think you could never have been.

June Holidays Journal 3 Once upon a time

Once upon a time, there was a governor named Bootlicker while another named hardworking. Both of them were in conflicts every time they meet as their names tell. Bootlicker bootlicks those who were high in authority, hoping to be able to get promoted quickly without doing anything much while hardworking dislike pulling strings, curry favouring and also bootlicking to achieve something but like to do things depending on his real capability.

Since the times then were quite chaotic, Bootlicker rose up in authority in a short time and was higher ranking then hardworking. Fearing that hardworking may one day be higher ranking then him, he made things difficult for hardworking, trying to make him resign from his job because of intense stress. Hardworking was hardworking and thus was able to cope with that tremendous amount of work Bootlicker gave to him. Knowing that hardworking could be quite hard to get rid of, he decided to from alliance with him, getting him to stand on the same side as he is as such a strong opponent turned friend will be a great help to him. Even thought hardworking know that it would be very beneficial for him to secure his post as a governor, but he knew that someday the good would prevail the evil and thus continued to work hard.

One day, Bootlicker was flattering an official when the king then, made a surprise visit to Bootlicker’s house. Bootlicker’s house was in the making of a transaction with one of the most notorious and wanted pirate then, trading a hundred chests of gold and jewellery with the pirate. Seeing that the kind had seen what he was doing, Bootlicker knelt down right away and seeks for forgiveness. He pleaded the king and pleaded for mercy. Holding onto a stern face, the king spoke, “you! How dare you do this? You are an official, and you are the model example of the people. What if the people learnt about it? What will they think of us? I shall punish you severely for taking the risk. The punishment is, to send me thirty chests of the gold and jewellery to my palace right away.” The official who did not know that all the while he was surrounded by so many precious items demanded some too. Bootlicker acceded to their request and the king’s men helped in the escort of the chests to the pirate ship, palace and the official’s residence.

When hardworking learnt about it. He was very furious. He was stomping mad. He was determined to have all including the king punished for what they had done, even though he do not have the power to do so. He collaborated with a few of the officials who were same as him, justified and full of integrity and they pledged that they will ensure that justice is uphold at all times.

Not sure what was the problem but the king came down with a weird illness ad the king’s physician had no ways to cure it. Not long after, the king passed on and had his throne to his child. His child was different from his father. He was upright and had the people’s welfare at heart. He was determined, just like hardworking and company, to up hold justice throughout his whole kingdom. Even though he grew up by using the things, which his father had obtained from his wrong doings, the new king was a good ruler.

With the common goal as the king, hardworking and company was able to overthrow those officials who abused their power and bootlicked. Thus Bootlicker was thrown out of his post and hardworking had finally achieved what he had always wanted. Good life for the people and justice to be uphold throughout the kingdom.

June Holidays Journal 2 What we do affects us in one way or another?

What we do affects us in one way or another? In my opinion, it is true. No matter what we do, it will affect us surely. An example is that if you hit someone in the face, the person will naturally be angry and hit you back or hit others to vent out that anger. If he hit you back, it means it got passed back to you, but if he hit others, the person who was hit by the person you hit will certainly do something to vent his anger and that will continue to affect people. If he kept it inside himself, he will naturally feel uneasy and this may cause him to behave differently from normal and the people around him would be puzzled or even worry the people around him and that is how it affects others. Hence in one way or another, it will surely get back at you. Thus we should try to do things with careful thought. It may sound ridiculous but what you are doing or have done at one part of the earth may affect another who is at another part. What bad you have done will be done back to that person and what good that is done will be done back to the person. This may seem like what people say, retribution and getting back something good, which you have done. Small little actions may cause great differences so in everything we do we must be cautious about it. Regarding the meaning of doing bad depends on who is the person who hears this word because different people have different perceptions on what is good and what is bad.

June Holidays Journal 1 Revenge

Blood flowed all over the floor and all Mixa could do was drowning himself in his tears. His beloved father had just been killed, or you can say murdered. Mixa kneeled in front of his father’s lifeless body, still crying uncontrollably. All came too sudden, too quickly, so fast that he did not have time to react. His father had been a kind man and generous too but whom would be that heartless to kill such a great man. He still could not get over the matter. He thought his father would be accompanying him at least throughout his teenage years but now all were gone, in just that split second. The same had happened to Mixa’s mother and now the same happened to his father. Mixa, stood right before his father, made a vow, to take revenge on his behalf no matter what it cost.

A rich couple adopted Mixa and he was well fed and dressed and not before long, he had forgotten everything about his true father’s death. He graduated from primary school and continued his studies to university. After that, he furthered his studies overseas, with the financial support of his “parents”. Then one day, he was studying in the hostel when suddenly, a scene ran through his mind. It was gruesome and the man in the picture was bleeding profusely. The man looked familiar, looked like someone whom he had seen before. Not before long, he remembered that man. He was the person, together with his wife, who had brought him to the world and who had gave him everything they had. He remembered one thing, he had made his oath of getting revenge back on the guy who did it on his father. Blood was boiling and the yearn for revenge was at its highest peak. From that day on, after finishing his studies, he used his free time to investigate into his father’s death but to no avail. Knowing that it would be impossible for him to find out who the murdered of his father was with his limited connections and resources, he decided to join the police force and at the same time track down the criminal. It had been 20 years since the murder but he remembered vividly the looks of the convict as he started to remember s0me parts of the happening.

With his academic qualifications, he rose up the ranks quickly and landed himself on one of the highest rankings in the force. This was the time. He now had all the data he needed near his reach. Within days he started to identify a few suspects and within a week, he had narrowed down his investigations to a man called Tan Teck Teeg, aged 46.Mixa was confident that this was the guy who stole away his happy family many years ago. Even though by claiming revenge will not bring his father back to life, he wanted that guy to pay dearly for it. In the next few days, he got ready himself for the operation. He had planned to take revenge at the guy in nighttime, the time of the day, which his father was murdered.

That long awaited day for Mixa arrived and he slot the accessories on, making sure that nothing would go wrong by going through the plan again. Having been in the police force for quite sometime, he knew inside out how they worked and did everything he can to avoid detection. After driving for about fifteen minutes, he got down and started to make his way towards the house of that man by foot. Donning himself in black from top to toe, he blended himself nicely into the starless night.

This is it. He had arrived outside the house of the man and his house was all dark and quite. He crept silently into the living room, making sure that his presence was not detected. He explored the house and made sure that all the loaded weapons in the house were unloaded. Right after that he made his way into the room in which the man sleeps. As he crawled in, he saw that someone was sleeping right beside him, his wife. Deep inside him he thought, “This would be the last night he would be spending with his wife.” Out came Mixa’s pistol, loaded with seven deadly bullets. Just as he was about to finish that man off. His eyes caught two children sleeping in between both the man and his wife. He told himself that he should not be distracted and have his operation hindered by his emotions but it got the better of him. It brought back old memories, which he had shared with his father and he suddenly realized that by finishing that man off for his revenge, the boy would suffer the same fate as he had. Even thought he had a mother to take care of him if he did so, the love that fathers give to their children would not be the same as the love that mothers give to their children.

Thinking of that, Mixa, laid down his weapon and headed out of the house and swore never to take revenge again as this would cause more unhappiness to others and he do not wish others to suffer like he did when he lost his father. If it is not for the couple who had adopted him, he would have been a beggar at the street now and not everybody who bears the same past as him would be that lucky. He laid the thought of revenge behind him and decided to get on with life, knowing that by taking revenge will not be able to solve the pain in his heart but by laying the past behind him will.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Term2 Week10 Products

Professionals in a specific area will be needed to differentiate and arbiter pirated goods and original ones. The spotting of one of such goods will be in the making of the object. Any small anomaly from the original item can be deemed as a pirated good. One thing that original goods have which pirated ones do not, is that there will be a quality check on the items and this will ensure that the standard of what they produce will not go too low. Most pirated goods producer makes use of cheap materials to make their pirated item, which will result in the attenuation of the object with constant usage. People nowadays are getting more well off and for those who can afford he original item rarely turns to the pirated products. Even though it is so, the supply of pirated products is always in surfeit. Thus, consumers should always be prudent as some shops may sell a pirated product to a customer, at the price same to the original item the pirated product is imitating.

Term2 Week9 Nowadays

Nowadays, people are not as decorum as in the past but becoming gaudy and charlatan in front of each other. Those who possess good behaviour and are candor could be said as going on the extinction path.

Term2 Week8 Too Talkative

Tan just cannot keep his mouth shut. Some exhort him that his garrulousness, will lend him in big trouble but he did not believe in it, saying that they are just too timid, ignoring their advices.

One bright Sunday morning, his primary school’s archenemy called him asking him to meet him at Singapura Plaza, he wants to patch up with for what he had done to him. Tan did not hesitate and agreed. Around afternoon, they both met and sat down and talked. When it was about evening, both of them when to Quay Boat to have a drink. As usual, throughout the whole trip, Tan kept talking and talking but the once archenemy was not bored because he was as talkative as Tan.

Disaster descended when Tan got drunk. Out came the most disgusting and humiliating words with some garnishing of vulgarities. Tan criticized his once archenemy to be indolent and obsessed. Feeling humiliated, embarrassed and hurt, his once archenemy left him there to keep droning on.

The next morning, Tan got up at a bench near the place where he had been inebriated. The staff must have left him there. When he got home, he switched on his computer and saw that his once archenemy had sent him an email. That led him to think about what happened yesterday but he forgot what happened after they chatted at singapura plaza, which went quite well. Thinking that he had one less foe and one more friend, he opened up the email, appalled to find a string of criticism from his once archenemy and that he will never ever forgive him for what he had done that night.

Tan, who still cannot remember what happened that night was not as talkative as before as he finally learnt his lesson of talking too much.

Term2 Week7 Realised

Mark had a silver spoon in his mouth when he was born and he had servants to tend to him as if he was a king. He was the only child in the house and the parents pampered him and bought anything that he fancy for. He had always been protected by his parents and had never been bullied. He himself does not know how to protect himself and this made him vulnerable to attacks by the more mischievous boys in school not only was he born in a rich family, but he also have a god set of values and a good character. This made the bullied in school more wanting to bully him.

One day, he was walking along the corridor in the school around mid-afternoon when suddenly a tall and large figure appeared right before him, with a few others who seem to be his friends stood behind him. "Hey you! You are the rich kid in school right?" Johnny, the notorious school bully, questioned Mark with a smirk. Johnny had been the school's "icon" and had ruined the school's reputation. He had robbed and steal before but he was not expelled and many in the school was hoping that he would someday put himself in the papers and had him expelled out of the school. His bullying of others is not because he liked it but just to gain people’s attention and his hnuger for it is insatiable. His presence makes the surrounding nervous, you never know what happens next.

Trying to be humble, Mark said, "Erm, I don't think so, there are a lot of rich kids in school too." not knowing that danger was right before him, he excused himself from Johnny and walked away. "Hey wait up, who said you can leave! I just wanna make friends with you, don’t leave in such a hurry,” Johnny said to Mark in a sarcastic tone. When Mark realized that they were finding for trouble with him, it was too late to escape. The school bully and friends had surrounded him and all of them were taller and bigger in size then him. There was no way he could fight it out with them. He resorted to trying to convince Johnny to let him go but the latter did not budge but instead, under Johnny’s hand signal, his friends went up and started bashing Mark up. He was crying and groaning in pain but no one was in sight that could have gone to his rescue. Even if there were, they would do their best to get out of the sight of Johnny and his friends, afraid that a glance at them will earn them a bruise on their face. Mark was kicked and whacked brutally and heartlessly by Johnny and friends who spared no mercy for him. Having no experience on a laying a finger on others, Mark was beaten up and he was near the moribund state. Injuries could be seen all over his limp body and he were also bleeding profusely at some parts.

Just as Johnny was about to land him finishing blow on Mark, Charren, the school prefect impeded him. he had seen what happened and rushed over. Charren was the archenemy of Johnny, since he was famous for upholding justice for the victims in the school. “Hey, you wanna join in the fun? I can help you be in the state he is in now,” Johnny asked Charren sarcastically, pointing at Mark. “Stop what you are doing right now or I will make sure you see the worst of me,” said Charren. Thinking that no one will be assisting Charren if they really got into a fight, Johnny walked towards Charren, using his finger to suggest to Charren to walk over to him. Having seen this kind of scenes for quite a few times, Charren maintained his calmness and looked straight at Johnny, waiting for him to move over.

By now, a lot had crowded around the scene and looking at what will happen next. Just when Johnny was about to punch Charren, Charren grabbed hold of him hand and twisted it to the back. Johnny screamed in pain and his friends ran up, trying to assist him to get out of Charren’s grip. A few ran off to get the help of the teachers while others looked on as to what will happen next. Being well versed I martial arts, all those who prey on the innocent feared Charren. Johnny’s friends dared not get near Charren, afraid that his blow might lend them in the hospital for a week or two. Even before Johnny’s friends had the chance to take revenge on Charren for what he had done to their leader, a group of teachers rushed to the scene and had Johnny and friends under control. Mark was sent to the hospital right away and his parents informed.

From that day on, Mark was determined to take care of himself as well as protecting himself from attacks from others. He was also revere of Charren’s courage and bravery and pledges to do the same and also to uphold justice if he sees anybody in trouble fro that day on.

Term2 Week6 Mountaineers

Culminating a mountain could be said as tough for some people but considered enjoyable for others. They must never falter or be obscure of what they are doing. They may loss their life just because of these few factors. The vitriolic wind of high mountains may cause them to lose their grip because of the cold. They will also be bereft of water because of the high-energy usage and the lack of water at the mountains.

Term2 Week5 Turning out well

The rocky sea made the ship sway about violently. Below the deck, in the ship, a debate is going on.” we must throw him jettison or else we will all contract the disease in a matter of time,” Swabber demanded. Swabber was the more senior one among the others. His decision had always been agreed upon other than the captain but this time round it was different.” no, never! I would rather perish than be so heartless and disloyal to our captain,” Decker, another senior pirate, rebuked and turned hostile because of Swabber’s words.

Decker had been helping captain spear, the captain who was in command of the ship, ever since captain spear took his first step into the world of war at seas, where the good battles the evil. Decker gave Swabber a stern look, ready to risk his life just to ensure the survival of his captain. Holding onto the small glimpse of hope, the whole frigate had been split into two parties, one determined to end captain spear’s life, while the other willing to use their lives to ensure that their captain spear stays onboard the ship.

The debate continues as the captain lay on the bed near the debating arena. He sighed. He should have heeded Decker’s plea of not eating too much raw fish. The uncooked but edible meat had caused him his current state. The bacteria in the meat had laid him on the bed for quite a few days. The ship’s physician, with not much knowledge on treating illnesses, prescribed a unique prescription of fish bones and this caused the captain to be a much worse state. He sighed again. If he had not been so stubborn, everything would still have been going on well and it was just a few days away in which they are going to do their biggest raid in their lifetime of the coastal regions but it seems as if it will have to be postponed. How he wished he could just stand up and take command of the ship again and ensure peace and stability on the ship. He did not blame Swabber and his supporters of having him fed to the fishes. He would cause the death of more of his loyal subjects if he stayed on the ship, as there is no medicine or knowledge on how to cure the illness. But it was not possible for him to make the decision. He is going through a tussle with his mouth starting to decompose as the bacteria feasted on it and he is paralyzed.

“If you are really so keen on having him dead, I shall allow you to do so but on one condition. Fight me!” Decker challenged Swabber. Decker drew out his sword and brandished it in front of Swabber. A death match is inevitable and all the supporters for their leaders cheered, unknowingly sending their own leaders to death. Captain spear could only stare blankly at the two leaders as they made their way to the deck of the ship.

The last shadow disappeared around the corner and Captain spear knew deep inside him that he is bound to lose one of his valuable man since Decker and Swabber are both highly skilled but very impatient. It had been a rare scene to see them debating and not resort to violence straight away. All was quite. Suddenly, roars could be heard, cheers and roars rang through the corridor into the room which captain spear was in. thinking that one of his men had died under the knife of the other, he let a drop of tear run down his cheek, the first ever since he stepped into the pirate career.

Loud footsteps could be heard. He braced himself up, ready to face the outcome of the death match. “Captain, captain! Port ahead, port ahead!” Swabber announced to captain spear. Following that, the familiar sound of a commander rang throughout the ship right after Swabber’s, “all men to positions, ready to anchor!” that sound, belonged to Decker.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Term2 Week4 Unpredicted

The orange red light raged throughout the whole building. Screams could be heard as the ferocious fire licked the houses menacingly. Without at sympathy for the residents of the flat, the fire used whatever it can to be used as fuel to make I stronger, brighter and more ferocious. Despaired people look at the fire engulfing their homes, bit by bit, they are unfortunately in a congenial condition. The brave warriors holding onto hoses are trying their best to save what was left but the humongous fire raged on. It seemed like nothing would be able to stop it from fulfilling its aim. Obliterate! Debris fell to the ground and people started to scatter for shelter. Not long after, big pieces of rubble followed suit.

The brave men in fireproof clothing battled the fire with some even dashing into the blaze rescuing those trapped in the soon collapsing building. The intense heat is dehydrating the people around the fire. The gushing hoses were unable to tame the fire as it became more aggressive. Thick heavy smoke was taking the place of clean fresh air in the vicinity.

It seemed as if the sky had suddenly became overcast. The rising smoke could be seen through out the neighbourhood and the firemen are calling for reinforcements. The fire has spread, spread across to other five buildings. Everybody at the scene of crime of the fire are either weeping over their lost homes or being emotional. The fire had trespassed the homes of the residents but the police are unable to apprehend it. As it grows in might, the people of other blocks of flats are evacuated swiftly, fearing that the people will get hurt in anyway. The enormous monster rose into the sky as its devastating plan of conquering the whole neighbour hood is fuelled by the nearby fuel pump station. Loud explosions could be heard, as the cars parked nearby caught fire.

All the people around the area could do was to stare blankly and silently as the fire continued its evil plans. The fire grew in size and the firemen could do nothing to stop it but just by slowing down its movement and looking helplessly at the buildings becoming a pile of ashes.

When it seems as if the fire would have claimed victory without any great resistance, rain started pouring down. Drop by drop, the water fell from the sky. It was a miracle. The sky above them had came to their rescue. The people cheered with joy and ran into the open space to embrace the arrival of the rain. As the rain gets heavier, the fire was reduced in size until the originating flame was extinguished. The fire had finally been under control. Smiles could be seen everywhere. The terror had finally been gone. But their happiness died down as they see before them a heap of ashes waiting for them to clear. Some went through the disintegrated pile, searching for anything that could have miraculously survived the conflagration while others thought of ways to find themselves a shelter for the night. Some of those who had bought house fire insurance, called their respective agents to claim their compensation from the aegis they had bought.
The once vibrant and happy neightbourhood had been gone in less than one day. The path of rebuilding will be tough but all assured each other that they would do their best to help one another and most importantly, prevent another such devastating happening.