Saturday, June 7, 2008

Term2 Week5 Turning out well

The rocky sea made the ship sway about violently. Below the deck, in the ship, a debate is going on.” we must throw him jettison or else we will all contract the disease in a matter of time,” Swabber demanded. Swabber was the more senior one among the others. His decision had always been agreed upon other than the captain but this time round it was different.” no, never! I would rather perish than be so heartless and disloyal to our captain,” Decker, another senior pirate, rebuked and turned hostile because of Swabber’s words.

Decker had been helping captain spear, the captain who was in command of the ship, ever since captain spear took his first step into the world of war at seas, where the good battles the evil. Decker gave Swabber a stern look, ready to risk his life just to ensure the survival of his captain. Holding onto the small glimpse of hope, the whole frigate had been split into two parties, one determined to end captain spear’s life, while the other willing to use their lives to ensure that their captain spear stays onboard the ship.

The debate continues as the captain lay on the bed near the debating arena. He sighed. He should have heeded Decker’s plea of not eating too much raw fish. The uncooked but edible meat had caused him his current state. The bacteria in the meat had laid him on the bed for quite a few days. The ship’s physician, with not much knowledge on treating illnesses, prescribed a unique prescription of fish bones and this caused the captain to be a much worse state. He sighed again. If he had not been so stubborn, everything would still have been going on well and it was just a few days away in which they are going to do their biggest raid in their lifetime of the coastal regions but it seems as if it will have to be postponed. How he wished he could just stand up and take command of the ship again and ensure peace and stability on the ship. He did not blame Swabber and his supporters of having him fed to the fishes. He would cause the death of more of his loyal subjects if he stayed on the ship, as there is no medicine or knowledge on how to cure the illness. But it was not possible for him to make the decision. He is going through a tussle with his mouth starting to decompose as the bacteria feasted on it and he is paralyzed.

“If you are really so keen on having him dead, I shall allow you to do so but on one condition. Fight me!” Decker challenged Swabber. Decker drew out his sword and brandished it in front of Swabber. A death match is inevitable and all the supporters for their leaders cheered, unknowingly sending their own leaders to death. Captain spear could only stare blankly at the two leaders as they made their way to the deck of the ship.

The last shadow disappeared around the corner and Captain spear knew deep inside him that he is bound to lose one of his valuable man since Decker and Swabber are both highly skilled but very impatient. It had been a rare scene to see them debating and not resort to violence straight away. All was quite. Suddenly, roars could be heard, cheers and roars rang through the corridor into the room which captain spear was in. thinking that one of his men had died under the knife of the other, he let a drop of tear run down his cheek, the first ever since he stepped into the pirate career.

Loud footsteps could be heard. He braced himself up, ready to face the outcome of the death match. “Captain, captain! Port ahead, port ahead!” Swabber announced to captain spear. Following that, the familiar sound of a commander rang throughout the ship right after Swabber’s, “all men to positions, ready to anchor!” that sound, belonged to Decker.

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