Friday, June 6, 2008

Term2 Week4 Unpredicted

The orange red light raged throughout the whole building. Screams could be heard as the ferocious fire licked the houses menacingly. Without at sympathy for the residents of the flat, the fire used whatever it can to be used as fuel to make I stronger, brighter and more ferocious. Despaired people look at the fire engulfing their homes, bit by bit, they are unfortunately in a congenial condition. The brave warriors holding onto hoses are trying their best to save what was left but the humongous fire raged on. It seemed like nothing would be able to stop it from fulfilling its aim. Obliterate! Debris fell to the ground and people started to scatter for shelter. Not long after, big pieces of rubble followed suit.

The brave men in fireproof clothing battled the fire with some even dashing into the blaze rescuing those trapped in the soon collapsing building. The intense heat is dehydrating the people around the fire. The gushing hoses were unable to tame the fire as it became more aggressive. Thick heavy smoke was taking the place of clean fresh air in the vicinity.

It seemed as if the sky had suddenly became overcast. The rising smoke could be seen through out the neighbourhood and the firemen are calling for reinforcements. The fire has spread, spread across to other five buildings. Everybody at the scene of crime of the fire are either weeping over their lost homes or being emotional. The fire had trespassed the homes of the residents but the police are unable to apprehend it. As it grows in might, the people of other blocks of flats are evacuated swiftly, fearing that the people will get hurt in anyway. The enormous monster rose into the sky as its devastating plan of conquering the whole neighbour hood is fuelled by the nearby fuel pump station. Loud explosions could be heard, as the cars parked nearby caught fire.

All the people around the area could do was to stare blankly and silently as the fire continued its evil plans. The fire grew in size and the firemen could do nothing to stop it but just by slowing down its movement and looking helplessly at the buildings becoming a pile of ashes.

When it seems as if the fire would have claimed victory without any great resistance, rain started pouring down. Drop by drop, the water fell from the sky. It was a miracle. The sky above them had came to their rescue. The people cheered with joy and ran into the open space to embrace the arrival of the rain. As the rain gets heavier, the fire was reduced in size until the originating flame was extinguished. The fire had finally been under control. Smiles could be seen everywhere. The terror had finally been gone. But their happiness died down as they see before them a heap of ashes waiting for them to clear. Some went through the disintegrated pile, searching for anything that could have miraculously survived the conflagration while others thought of ways to find themselves a shelter for the night. Some of those who had bought house fire insurance, called their respective agents to claim their compensation from the aegis they had bought.
The once vibrant and happy neightbourhood had been gone in less than one day. The path of rebuilding will be tough but all assured each other that they would do their best to help one another and most importantly, prevent another such devastating happening.

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