Monday, June 9, 2008

June Holidays Journal 3 Once upon a time

Once upon a time, there was a governor named Bootlicker while another named hardworking. Both of them were in conflicts every time they meet as their names tell. Bootlicker bootlicks those who were high in authority, hoping to be able to get promoted quickly without doing anything much while hardworking dislike pulling strings, curry favouring and also bootlicking to achieve something but like to do things depending on his real capability.

Since the times then were quite chaotic, Bootlicker rose up in authority in a short time and was higher ranking then hardworking. Fearing that hardworking may one day be higher ranking then him, he made things difficult for hardworking, trying to make him resign from his job because of intense stress. Hardworking was hardworking and thus was able to cope with that tremendous amount of work Bootlicker gave to him. Knowing that hardworking could be quite hard to get rid of, he decided to from alliance with him, getting him to stand on the same side as he is as such a strong opponent turned friend will be a great help to him. Even thought hardworking know that it would be very beneficial for him to secure his post as a governor, but he knew that someday the good would prevail the evil and thus continued to work hard.

One day, Bootlicker was flattering an official when the king then, made a surprise visit to Bootlicker’s house. Bootlicker’s house was in the making of a transaction with one of the most notorious and wanted pirate then, trading a hundred chests of gold and jewellery with the pirate. Seeing that the kind had seen what he was doing, Bootlicker knelt down right away and seeks for forgiveness. He pleaded the king and pleaded for mercy. Holding onto a stern face, the king spoke, “you! How dare you do this? You are an official, and you are the model example of the people. What if the people learnt about it? What will they think of us? I shall punish you severely for taking the risk. The punishment is, to send me thirty chests of the gold and jewellery to my palace right away.” The official who did not know that all the while he was surrounded by so many precious items demanded some too. Bootlicker acceded to their request and the king’s men helped in the escort of the chests to the pirate ship, palace and the official’s residence.

When hardworking learnt about it. He was very furious. He was stomping mad. He was determined to have all including the king punished for what they had done, even though he do not have the power to do so. He collaborated with a few of the officials who were same as him, justified and full of integrity and they pledged that they will ensure that justice is uphold at all times.

Not sure what was the problem but the king came down with a weird illness ad the king’s physician had no ways to cure it. Not long after, the king passed on and had his throne to his child. His child was different from his father. He was upright and had the people’s welfare at heart. He was determined, just like hardworking and company, to up hold justice throughout his whole kingdom. Even though he grew up by using the things, which his father had obtained from his wrong doings, the new king was a good ruler.

With the common goal as the king, hardworking and company was able to overthrow those officials who abused their power and bootlicked. Thus Bootlicker was thrown out of his post and hardworking had finally achieved what he had always wanted. Good life for the people and justice to be uphold throughout the kingdom.

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