Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Persuassive Writing

Computer games addiction

Computer games could be seen played by a large number of teenagers, not forgetting those who are working or retired. Playing computer games is a form of recreational activity for some while others take it as a job. Playing computer games can be beneficial if played with self-control but when the gamer become obsessed over the game, it is bad for his or her health because he or she is addicted to computer gaming.

First of all, the advantage of computer gaming is that one will be able to escape from the busy and stressful realistic world and relax themselves by taking the role of their favorite character and experience scenarios that they will never see in real life and this brings them a sense of power and feeling of enjoyment. From computer games, their wish of having the role of something that belongs to the fantasy world can be fulfilled and this gives them a sense of achievement it boosts their morale for the rest of the day. They will be able to indulge themselves in the games, for ample, taking on the role as a wanted criminal or get back in time to world war two where they are the commander of the Pacific Fleet and rewrite history. The joyful feeling they get from playing the computer games will help to relief the stress from their workload and whenever they feel bored or angry or sad, they have at least a place where they can be in power, where things go by their say. It will be something where they can turn to when they are in trouble and who will console them, since even though they are not really doing well in the real world, they are still powerful in the game world where their views are respected.

Secondly, playing computer games may be an advantage if the game played is an online game. The gamers will be able to meet new friends through the games they play and since they love playing the same genre of game, they will most probably be able to see eye to eye on things. This will help to expand the social circle of children, not leaving out the possibility of the person on the other end may harm the gamer.

In comparison, gaming can also be a disadvantage to the gamers. When they are playing long hours of computer games a day or feel very vexed when not able to play, they are addicted. They will be neglecting their family members and friends around him and concentrate all his time on playing computer games. The gamer may just get so obsessed over the game that he or she will forgo their meal and bath just to level up more quickly. If they are playing games with gory or violence scenes, they may just develop a liking to kill and may just hurt someone day. When they concentrate most of their time on playing the computer games, they will also put their studies or job aside since they are very eager on gaining experience in order to level up in their game. They will then not do well in their studies, for example the addicted gamer is a student, resulting in him being suspended from school and getting the parents worried over him or her. If the addicted gamer is a worker will be fired too since he does not do his job but play games all day long. This will result in him not having an income and may even sleep on the streets when he does not have money to pay for his house. Even if they have tried to settle down and start to do their work, they will not be able to concentrate since the game in more interesting then their work. Only self-control can help this kind of people walk out of their game ruined life.

Simultaneously, the games played may also result in the gamers being very impatient, especially those gamers who play games like racing or flight simulator as they would want things to be done as quickly as the speed the things in the game traveled. If the gamers are mentally weak, when they are not able to do the things quickly, they will feel dejected and give up and sink into themselves. They may return to playing games and have their life wasted because of that.

In conclusion, playing computer games with control can be beneficial but when the gamer gets addicted to the game, it will harm his health and hurt the people around him. Addiction to computer gaming have been growing over the years and thus, the parents should be firm about letting their children play computer games so as not to get them addicted.


FongSin said...

Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Keep the stories coming!
I'm impressed by the effort you have put in.

Anonymous said...

thank you mr kek!
