Sunday, March 9, 2008

Term1 Week10 Self decision

Exercising at least five times a week, Ali can be said to be as strong as a bull. But right after he broke off with his other half, he started to gorge himself to relief his stress. He ate more then his stomach could hold and day-by-day, he grew larger in size unabatedly, refusing to exercise. No matter what the people around him do, they could not help him step out of his past even if they reviled him or hit him, he just do not care. The people around him including his family members are in great pain to se him in this state. They pleaded his ex-girlfriend to patch up with him to let him regain his happiness but she rejected them. The family consulted psychologist and after a few tries, they themselves, the psychologists, gave up.

Being hurt very deeply inside his heart, Ali thought about the times he had been with her. Ali had been dating her for about two years when she suddenly suggested a break up during one of their dating. Ali had thought of proposing to her that day and after hearing it, his heart plunged to the bottom. He was stunned. He never thought that her girlfriend would walk out on him. Ali asked her for her reason but she just said, “I found another guy whom I love more.” He was heartbroken. All these years, he had given her all the support he could, all the care and concern she needs, even risking his life in order to protect her but all she said was she found another guy whom she love more. Ali is not convinced. He knelt down on his knees, begging her not to leave him but she just told him it would be their last day together bearing that special relationship. He was in tears even before she finish her sentence. She tried to console him by telling him that they can still be great friends but that was not enough to calm him down. Ali could not take it anymore, he ran off.

Thinking about what had happened that day, omnivorous Ali became lugubrious again and he stuffed potato chips in to his mouth, with hot tears rolling down his cheeks again. His room was stacked with tidbits to a mountain and whenever he feels sad he would just eat again. The man who is fit and with an admirable set of moral values had lost to himself. He is stuck inside himself, unable to get out. Not wanting to face reality, he sinks into himself by the day. All he does all day long is lie on the bed, thinking of why did this happen to him.

One day, a guy came to their doorstep and requested to see Ali. The parents rejected the offer, not wanting Ali to be hurt anymore but the guy at the door insisted in seeing him, saying that he will be able to help him out. Since there is a hope that Ali would recover, the parents relented and the guy went to find Ali in his room. The guy was quite shocked at the state Ali was in but set to work immediately. The room was in total mess, with packaging of finished tidbits strewn all over the floor and books thrown all over the place. The guy introduced himself to Ali and Ali was shocked. Ali never thought that his best friend, john, from primary school would come and find him. He had heard that john had migrated to Australia and since then they lost contact. Ali asked john why he came back and his answer was simple, “To help you Ali, to help you.”

John convinced Ali that he must stand up and get on with life and show it to his ex-girlfriend that he is strong and is not affected by the break-up. He wan to prove it to her that without her, he can still get on with life. John told Ali to get himself ready and they set off to work right after that. They cleaned up the mess in the room, clearing away the rubbish and putting the books back in place. Halfway though, Ali felt very tired and wanted to quit but under the constant encouragement of John, they finally endured through it. After that, john organized a weight loss plan for Ali, since he is a doctor specializing n treating obesity. Right after that, he brought Ali to the shopping mall, picking a few nice sets of clothes for him, to buildup his confidence. Just as they were happy with what they had done, Ali took a look to his side and saw his ex-girlfriend. She was holding onto the hand of his secondary school enemy, the one who bullied him bullied him and embarrassed him. He had been the foe of him and his ex-girlfriend.

He was taken aback by what he saw. John seeing what had happened tried to divert his attention away from the couple but Ali’s eyes were fixed on the two of them. They were behaving very intimately, more intimate then they are together. Ali wanted to rush up to his ex-girlfriend and question her why she did this to him, gave him up and went for a villain. John got hold of him and tried to calm him down but Ali could not control himself. He is feeling angry and at the same time, sad. He is confused. So confused that he do not want to live anymore. John knew that if he does not help Ali then, he might just go crazy. An idea stuck john and he spoke, “since you know she doesn’t like you anymore, why get sad over her? It is her loss for not having you. Use this energy of angriness to power your goal of getting back with your normal life. You can do it Ali, you can!” by now, Ali was sobbing and making his way towards the exit of the shopping mall. He was quieting down, getting control over himself. “John was right, there is no use getting sad over her when she does not care how I feel and how I am doing right now. She is even having fun when I am in such a dire straits. I shall prove it to her that she had made the wrong choice of leaving me and go with the villain,” Ali thought to himself, wiping away the last drop of tears over his ex-girlfriend with his sleeve. “Hey Ali are you alright?” john asked Ali, who was sitting on a bench just out side the exit of the shopping mal. “Yeah man. What are we doing next?” Ali asked with eagerness. “We are going to buy some accessory to make you shine, let’s go,” john replied, knowing that Ali had finally got over her.

A few months passed and Ali is going according to plan. A great change can be observed from him and his family members are delighted that he had finally got on his feet and moved on with life. After a year, Ali was back to his usual self, the strong and fit Ali with a set of great moral values. Levity Ali was also eating a balanced meal, not gorging himself anymore. John, who had been by Ali's side and aiding him throughout this one whole year, felt relieved too. The parents of Ali was joyous that john had came and helped the family out. They bought john gifts, which he rejected and treated him like a family.

One day, john came to tell Ali that he was going back to Australia. Ali asked the reason why and john told him that it is time he returns back home, his family over there is missing him very badly. Ali gave a laugh and asks when will they ever meet again. “When you need help Ali,” was the reply of john. They exchanged contacts and bade each other goodbye. They promised each other that they will surely meet up again, for sure.

Ali had finally proved to himself that he can survive on his own and that he do not need his ex-girlfriend to help him out. John was just like a guardian angle appearing right in front of Ali when he is going through the toughest time. When a person is in need of help, the most important thing that they need is the support of the people and most importantly they themselves must be willing to move on. With the confidence, one can conquer great heights.

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