Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Term1 Week3 The Mission

He scurried across the alley stealthily, trying not to be noticed by the high beam spotlights. The heavily armed guards are taking their daily patrol around the mansion in high alert, still not knowing that a stranger had already set his foot in the private property. Security guards and towers can be spotted every hundred metre. No ordinary housing place will have such high security. He crept under the bush, just in time to dodge away from the view of the guards. Wearing black all over for both parties, it is hard to spot each other in this starless night. When everything is calm, he made sure that the place was safe enough before proceeding on. It was just a few hundred metres before he will reach the mansion.

Just as the spot light disappears to the left, he dashed acrossed the grassy plot of land as fast as he could. He could not afford to fail this mission since lots of innocent people will be at risk. Even though he is running fast, his footsteps are light and steady. Suddenly, the beam of the spotlight was turned right behind him. If he were to just relax a bit, it would catch up with him and it will all be over. He worked the best his legs could give. Just as he safely reached the gigantic house, he flattened himself against the wall, not letting any chance of being spotted.

The house had no back doors or windows, preventing anybody who had luckily escaped from the high level of security from intruding the house. Right in front of the main door were guards keeping a close eye of the surroundings, having their fingers laid at the trigger of their weapon. After a close look at the guards’ positions, he slots the silencer onto his automatic pistol and took aim at one of the guards. A shot is fired and one of the guards was hit right in the head. The others looked around frantically, trying to figure out what had happened. One by one, the guards fell to the ground, receiving a headshot each. When no security personnel were in sight, he ran up the stairs as fast as he could, as the moon is slowly peeping out of the clouds. The door is heavily locked with devices that will be too difficult to decipher for an ordinary Man. under his close observation of the machines, he cracked the code and laid his foot in the mansion. He followed the specific route given by the specialists during the briefing of his mission and managed to reach the subterranean lab where the highly confidential files are stored.

The guard guarding the front door of the underground lab was dozing off. When he made sure that the surroundings are propitious, he crept towards the guard, holding his glistening bayonet tightly in his hand. He raised his arm and slashed it down, getting rid of the guard. This was the moment he had been waiting for. He turned the knob and took a peek inside. The lab was pitch black, not a single light source was available, only the light from the corridor shone into the lab. He grabbed his torchlight and flashed it around the lab. He searched high and low but to no avail. He was getting desperate when he accidentally kicked something on the ground. Shinning the torch at the ground, he saw what he had been looking for. He bent down and grabbed it tightly in his hands. He reported through the radiotelephone to the headquarters that he had acquired the target. Cheers could be heard from the headquarters and he was ordered to leave the premises immediately.

When all was happy, the secret agent took notice of countless number of shadows moving hastily towards the door of the lab through the window located at the top of the wall. He knew something bad was prevailing. He informed the headquarters about it and made for the door as quickly as he can, hoping that the guards were not as fast as him. The guards must have found out about the break in and hundreds of heavily armored guards were mobilize. The secret agent dashed towards the main door of the mansion and hid behind a pillar, just in time to see about twenty guards rushing through the main door. When they went their separate ways to find the intruder, the secret agent made his way towards the same place where he had shot the guards guarding the main door. He took a glimpse at the open field where he came from initially, and was taken aback by what he saw. Guards are running back and forth of the field, while tanks and trucks are used to comb the other areas. The loud deafening noise from the jet planes roared above the head of the secret agent, followed by those of helicopters. He knew that the chance of getting out was slim. He gave his last radio message to the headquarters, informing them about the state he is in. after that, he destroyed the radio telephone, to protect his identity and his headquarters from getting discovered, just incase he did not make it through the gate.

He took another glimpse across the field. The guards still heavily patrolled the place. Footsteps could be heard behind him, getting louder and louder by the second. This was the ultimate part of the mission, to get out of the private property without being spotted and deliver the mission objective to his headquarters. He was determined to accomplish this life-endangering mission even if it costs his life and wishing that his bulletproof vest could save him from the gunshots he will be receiving. He jumped out of his hiding place and drew out his revolver. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him, hoping that the guards would not spot him.

Suddenly, the spotlight of the helicopter shone on him, disclosing his position to all the guards patrolling the area. Inside him, the secret agent knew that he would not be able to run away from the grasp of the guards. The guards surrounded him, diminishing every escape chances possible. The second ticked by slowly, heightening the tensions every body had. Knowing that the chances of survival were equal to none, he raised his revolver and aimed it at one of the guards. Just as he was about to pull the trigger, the machine gunner on the helicopter fired his shots. It rang through the silent night, shattering the peace.

That fateful night, a total of a hundred shots were fired by the machine gunner. The secret agent was just a few metes away from the unguarded main gate, a safe haven, when he was spotted. That was a night to remember for the headquarters and the secret agent.

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