Sunday, March 23, 2008

Term2 Week1 It was actually the other way round

“He had told me to keep it a covert for him but should I leak it out?” I pondered. My conscience has been bothering me since. I had actually given him a firm yes because I know I had promised him that I will not tell anyone about it and I must not. But if you know that a terrorist is going to bomb a place and they told you to keep it a secret, would you do so? As I walked home, I was thinking whether to inform the teacher about it.

Tom had come from a poor family and they are currently living in a one room flat then. I could not possibly cause more harm to the family when they are in such a plight. All I was thinking all day long was this one and only question, “to tell or not to tell.” when I a in trouble making a decision, I will always consult my mother on what to do but since it is a secret, by asking for the opinion of y mother would be the same as telling my mother about the secret.

As I wonder about what I should do, the phone rang. Was it going to be the phone call that was going to help me out? Full of excitement within me, I picked up the phone. The other end sound as if the person was in a noisy place. A look at the caller identification panel and I was all by myself to the thinking again. It was dad who had not locked his phone’s keypads again.

Finally, I had a decision. I would have to betray Tom.

The next day, I walked into the staff room with my hands trembling, afraid that Tom may find out and hate me for life. “But helping a friend was more important, even risking the friendship we had,” I thought. Thinking of that, I felt more confident and marched towards our form teacher’s table. “Mr. Kong, I have something to tell you,” I said it full of confidence. I had repeated to myself the whole night on how to tell Mr. Kong about it since I was not too good at having a conversation right on the spot without any idea what was going to happen.

After relating to Mr. Kong Tom’s secret, he got up on is feet, telling me that I had one a good job and did the right thing. I thought so too. I followed close behind him as he made a phone call to the parent’s of Tom. After about an hour of escalated talking between Mr. Kong and Tom’s parents, he laid down his phone and told me that everything’s going to be all right.

With a teacher taking charge of the situation, everything is sure to be all right. Thus I went home happily, thinking that I had done a good deed. When I reached school the next day, I could see Tom crying bitterly at the benches. “Had something gone wrong during the telephone conversation yesterday?” I thought, as cold sweat rushed down my face. If anything bad had happened, I would be responsible for it since I leaked the secret out. As I approach Tom, I prayed hard that nothing had gone wrong.

Tom took a glance at me and turned away. “What’s wrong Tom?” I asked with a trembling tone. “Mr. Kong called my parents yesterday to talk about the secret that I told you,” Tom said sadly. I was feeling very guilty for what had happened how I wish I had not done it, not to tell the teacher. Looking at me, Tom wiped away his tears and asked “what’s wrong with you, you okay?” I confessed to Tom about what I had done. He looked very shocked but broke into a laugh. I wondered what was the problem? It was supposed to be a sad thing but why was Tom laughing?

“Hey, the secret that I told you was Martin’s. He had told me to keep it a secret for him but I felt very uneasy with something bottled up inside me so to palliate it, I told you about and asked you to keep it a secret. But don’t worry too much, I had heard that Martin surrendered himself to the bookshop auntie for stealing a small little eraser. I guess he was feeling uneasy like me too.” Tom said, still laughing at my mistake. “Then why are you crying just now?” I asked with a puzzled look on my face. “Oh, Mr. Kong walked pass me just now to tell me that I had failed my chemistry test miserably. My parents had promised to buy me the latest video game if I did well. That was why was crying, no computer game,” Tom related to me, “and the call Mr. Kong mad to my parents yesterday, it was nothing much, I had already explained to my parents and there is no need for you to feel guilty over it, after all, it was not my secret anyway.” I looked at hi wide-eyed. So this was what really happened. I had racked my brains for nothing after all, but it was something to be happy about because Tom was not in any trouble. But what if Mr. Kong thought that I was trying to gain his attention by fabricating a story, if he ever learns about the truth? Dismissing all possibilities from my mind, I smiled at Tom and gestured him to walk over to the study area with me, to do some revision before flag raising starts.

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