Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Term1 Week8 Realizing Dreams

After living in this world for so many years, toiling and trying to earn as much as he could for the family, he finally decided to modify how he lives. It is time for him to take a break and realize his dreams. At age 46, his children had grown up and started working while his wife attends cooking classes and goes out with her friends. Paul was all by himself all day long daily and one day, he decided that he should put his dreams to work.

When everybody left the house in the morning at 6am, Paul made his way towards the market, buying the necessary items needed in his plan of fulfilling his dream. He had not told any one about his ideas yet but he knew that no one in the family would approve him of doing so and deem that it is just a waste of money.

He had his plans drafted out nicely on a piece of A4 sized paper. He is determined to succeed in this first attempt. When he got everything he needed, he made his way back home. He went through the plan, ensuring that every detail of the plan is correct and set to work thereafter. It was 7.30 am in the morning when he started on his work. He mixed the cement and lined the bricks, making a platform right beside his house. It was 12noon when the raised platform is done. He had painted the exposing surface white and the raised platform was two stories high. By the side were stairs leading to the top. He had been working in a construction firm all his life until he retired. He had seen a myriad of architects worked and saw what they did to reduce time used to construct the building and by doing so, he increased his knowledge on constructing buildings. He was only a clerk working for the company.

Rest was not a word in his head. Paul made his way towards the well-known mega store specializing in selling astronomy related instruments, fifty kilometers away in his worn out car, forgoing his lunch. He gave a broad smile when he reached his destination. He had been an astronomy buff since he was young and the last time he visited this place was when he was twenty. He had wanted to come to this place since then but was too busy with his family and work. He looked around and laid his eyes on the most expensive and best telescope in the mega store. Paul glanced around the store, before making his way to his transport vehicle reluctantly.
Without fail, he drove towards the furniture mall, purchasing a rattan chair and an aluminum coffee table. His plan was about to succeed and inside him he was beaming brightly. His aim was to finish everything before night falls and it was in the late afternoon when he got his rattan chair and coffee table loaded on to his car. He stepped onto the acceleration pedal, driving at the speed of one hundred and fifty kilometers per hour. It was a race against time but Paul enjoyed it a lot. He had wanted to take racing as his career when he was young but his health condition did not permit him. Speeding down the highway, he thought about how meaninglessly he had lived his life, working and sparing every little time for the family, without doing something that he really liked. Hence, he want to make this dream come true, nobody is going to stop him even if it cost him a limb or two.

It was around six in the evening when he reached home. The sun had already started to set. He laid the table and chair on the platform the way he had planned and started piecing up his valued telescope. After a few tries, he finally got it assembled and he heaved a sigh of relief. He is just on time. He carried his telescope up the platform and laid it down gently. He finally did it. He just needs to wait for the night to fall. He went to the kitchen to cook himself a meal and romp towards the platform with it. Finally, he can sit down to have a meal and do something that he had really wanted to. The beauty of the night slowly sets in and the stars of the night sky grew brighter. He got up and looked through the lenses of the telescope and gave a sigh of relief. He had finally fulfilled his dream, his dream when he had when he was just a small kid, his dream of being able to construct a platform on which he can stand on and look through his telescope and explore the outer space. His life has just started.

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