Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Term1 Week4 The Fact

After working for so many years in the mammoth sized company, Mr. Lee was called into the manager’s office for the first time. It was rumoured that one of them, the supervisors, will be promoted. Having toiled in the company for so many years, Mr. Lee had never requested for any promotion or pay rise but deep inside him, he aspires to be of a higher position in the company. Being the most senior of all other supervisors, he predicted that it must be something good that is waiting for him in the manager’s office.

“Come in,” the deep voice of the manager ranged through the head of Mr. Lee. He approached the manager, with a wide grin in his face. Being fifty-six, this would be his happiest event that would veer happen to him in his whole career life. “Take a seat Lee,” the manager said in a welcoming voice. With a wide smile on his face, he eagerly asked his manager, Mr. Tan, why he called him in.

“Erm, let’s talk about that later. How’s work?” Mr. Tan asked with a forced up welcoming tone. ”Oh it is great, I have a lot of friends, great teamwork and finishes all my work on time, it is great working in this company!” Mr. Lee replied joyfully, unknown to what is imminent.

“Lee, I know you have contributed to the company for many years and the company ought to thank you for your help in its growth but sometimes, things are not within my control,” the timid Mr. Tan looked to the ground, not wanting to look at the facial expression of Mr. Lee.

By now, Mr. Lee knew what was going on. He was speechless. Still having a positive mind, he holds onto the little hope, wishing that his manager would not issue him his retrenchment letter. He still has a family of five to feed. Judging from his age, he will not be able to find a job again so soon. What will his family do? These thoughts ran trough his mind, confusing him in that moment.

The end for Mr. Lee came when Mr. Tan went to his drawer and drew out his retrenchment letter. Everything moved in a slow motion, imprinting them in Mr. Lee’s mind for the rest of his life. When his hands touched the envelope, inside him was bitterness and confusion and helplessness. The pain was as lethal as a knife stabbed right in his heart. His tears engulfed him even though Mr. Tan tried all ways and means to calm him down. The devastated Mr. Lee lied in a supine position, thinking about what he shall do next. He was given some advices and without saying anything Mr. Lee went to his desk and started to pack, packing up his memories for the company.

His desire for good news became a bad one and it was a great impact on him. All his colleagues were sad for him but there was nothing they could do to help him. The biasness of the young being more capable then the old and replacing them is happening throughout all companies since the companies are each fighting for its survival in the market. Seeing what had happened to Mr. Lee, all the others worried for their place in the company.

The greatly impacted Mr. Lee went home in shame, not knowing what to say to his family. All he was thinking about was what were he going to do to help the family, and himself.
The next day, Mr. Tan introduced them to their new colleague, who will be taking the place of Lee in a matter of minutes. When the new member settled down, the colleagues all went up to him, trying to have a good relationship with him, forgetting that this man drove their colleague out of his job. The new member was only twenty-six years old.

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