Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Term1 Week9 Rebellious Rebels

The roar of the crowd could be heard. They had won. They had won a war that they had wanted to put to action long ago. They have finally gotten their freedom, their rights, their feeling of being safe and secure but they paid a high price. It had been a bloody three weeks.

The roar of the engines could be heard as hordes of people get onto the trucks and army tanks armed with at least a primary weapon. The coup has started. After living in pain for the past ten years, someone had finally set the fire ablaze. Even though they are working for the government, the soldiers have the same thought too. Thus most of the military personnel turned against the government while a few thousands that are loyal stayed put.

People from all parts of the country started to pour towards the capital city firing their weapons randomly. Things were not going to succeed so easily for them. They had been welcomed by series gunfire from the soldiers still supporting the government and this led to a fierce battle with the rebellions. Many were wounded on both sides but none on either side are willing to compromise. Violence had been imprinted in their heads. Everybody involved in the fight are ruthless by decapitating his or her opponents if the need arises.

After a three-day stand off, casualties from both sides have been hitting at least a few hundreds a day and the hospitals are a key factor to the victory of the war, the civil war. The family members of those injured did not feel sad for them but instead, they were more determined in finishing their opponent. Those who did not support for this coup did not dare to try to end it with a peace talk between the two parties. Those previously who had tried to do so have had their whole family brutally murdered regardless of age.

The other countries that saw what had happened dare not render any help to the government despite countless number of pleas to the countries to support and help out by sending them into their war. By sending their troops in to help is just like sending them to death. The heightened tensions between the community in their own country was another factor.

As the death toll continues to climb the amount of bloodshed never decrease. By the time the civil war advances into its fifth day, the whole city was in a mess, with shops and cars set ablaze and people looting the shops. The street was unusually quite supposedly that both sides have withdrawn their forces, but ending it so abruptly was not the way it is going to end, after so many lives had been lost, it is not worth it. The rebellions are determined to get what they want and the government is determined to stop them. Days passed and the whole country was dead quiet, with no forces from both sides advancing towards another. All the factories had stopped work and everybody stayed at home, afraid that they might be implicated into the war. On the tenth day, fumes from factories started to rush out of their chimneys, which belonged to the rebels and the government’s followed so. The factories churned out endless number of weapons and ammunitions on both sides, signaling a last and final attack launched at its opponent. Whether this war will ever end will depend on this battle.

The rebels handed out leaflets to encourage the neutralist to join forces with them and take out the government, trying to influence the minds of the people. The government on the other hand, gave live telecast speeches to try to convince the people that they are doing things, which is for the good of their own people. This put the people in great thought as to support the government, the rebellions or to create a group of neutralist.

The war sets into the fifteenth day, the shuffling of footsteps could be heard and the heavy vehicles trying to move as quietly as possible into positions. Now, they will only need to wait for nightfall before invading the government forces. Being wary of their movements, the government forces have also spied on their preparations and got themselves prepared for the attack.

Seven o’clock. The rebels started to move towards the enemy’s territory. This is their last hope and they are determined to do their best. When they are about a kilometre away from the enemy’s ground, they raised the siren and all forces charged towards the enemy. Knowing that this would happen, the government forces moved out and a battle full of bloodshed began. The continuous roar of the machine guns could be heard and teammates getting injured are a common scene. The cry for help could be heard as the bullets hit the individual. Overhead, the sound of the engines could be heard and air strikes were made. Through the heavy bombing and napalm strikes, the buildings in the city were razed to the ground and there is hardly any place for cover from fire on both sides. The night was as bright as if it was in the day and the deafening fighting noise could b e heard clearly from neighboring countries.

The war lasted through the whole night and lifeless bodies were seen all over the place. The whole country had been dyed in a colour of bloody red and the rivers and grasslands changed into the unmistakable blood red colour. This was not enough to stop the rebellions from advancing towards the government forces. They fought on fiercely, bravely and courageously, having in them a sense of pride that they are able to fight for their supporters.

At eight in the morning, the victory had been made. The side that won cheered and celebrated for their win and volunteers helped to clean up the whole city. The rebellion was successful. Never in their life had they felt so happy before. After the years of hardship, they have finally got what they wanted. As the people smiled happily, the leaders of the rebellions were made the new government. The people did not know their capabilities or decisions after the war. The neutralist thought in silence, will there be a civil war again?

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